A permanent home for recycled plastic.

Video showing the process of implementing NewRoad, a sustainable asphalt additive made from recycled plastic, into the asphalt mix.
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How It’s Made

A permanent home for recycled plastic.

Landfill-diverted plastic

Landfill diverted recycled plastic

Propietary NewRoad blend made from 100% recycled plastic

Proprietary NewRoad® blend

A parking lot made with NewRoad, creating high-strength asphalt.

High-Strength Aspahlt


Enhance Performance with NewRoad® Asphalt additive

NewRoad outperforms conventional asphalt.
Hamburg Test shows the significant reduced rutting for every pound of NewRoad added.

Hamberg Test showing base asphalt with just DOT spec asphalt mix and significant rutting.

Base asphalt

Hamberg Test showing DOT base asphalt mix with 1lb of NewRoad and moderate rutting.

1lb NewRoad®

Hamberg Test showing base DOT asphalt mix with 2lb of NewRoad and minor rutting.

2lb NewRoad®

Hamberg Test showing base DOT asphalt mix with 4lb of NewRoad and barely any movement or rutting.

4lb NewRoad®

Media Coverage:

The NewRoad® difference

Impact the environment & the bottom line

Icon of a road to show extended pavement life with NewRoad.
Extend Life

Up to 40% increase in pavement life

Icon to show the reduction of maintenance by 200%
Reduce maintenence

Significantly reduce maintenance

Icon to show saving on overall costs
Save on overall cost

short and longer term

profitable for business

profitable for environment

Impact icon to represent reducing carbon emissions.
Reduce Carbon

5x less carbon intensive

Recycle Icon to show repurposed materials in asphalt mix.

landfill-diverted plastic

Impact Icon

the same mix over and over

Test road showing NewRoad sustainable asphalt additive on the right side of the road.
Our mission

Deliver environmental wins

We create a permanent home for recycled plastic through a sustainable asphalt additive that enhances performance and durability.

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