
Paving the way.

We use recycled materials to create a more durable asphalt that lasts longer. Our NewRoad® technology is based on highly engineered recycled industrial polymers and is used in DOT, county and city roads, and in commercial parking lots and driveways.

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Application FAQ’s

How is NewRoad added to the mix?

NewRoad® is added to the asphalt mix with a dry process introduced on the RAP belt / RAP collar by a metering system. Mixing temperature usually remains the same, around 250°F (120°C).

How much NewRoad® is typically needed?

NewRoad® is measured pound per ton, so dosage is generally very small.

We recommend 4lbs per ton of asphalt mix for maximum strength and durability.

Does the Mix Design Change?

No changes to volumetrics (air voids, Gmm, etc.)

Over 7 years in the field with no failures!

Do contractors need specific equipment to incorporate?

Most asphalt plants have the needed machinery, but NewRoad® is always happy to provide our own auger on-site to meter the product onto the RAP belt.

Ready to work together?

Reach out for a quote or an introduction call!


Resilient Roads.
Cost Effective Projects. Longer-Lasting Lots.

Keeping our own waste plastic out of landfills in a manner that will improve our roads and environment will be a tremendous benefit to everyone in Hawaii.


Deputy Director of Highways, Hawaii DOT

Sustainability is at the core of DCNR's mission... We look forward to testing this new technology based on the expected benefits and are hopeful that it is a model for future successes in Pennsylvania.


DCNR Secretary


Just the facts, in black and white.


Just the facts, in black and white.

Cracking: IDEAL-CT

The CT Index, also known as IDEAL-CT, is a common cracking test that many state transportation agencies use to estimate the fatigue performance of asphalt mixes. The test is performed at room temperature (77°F) in the Lottman test equipment. The test evaluates the strength of an asphalt mix and how quickly the specimen cracks after the maximum strength, making it a good indicator of sufficient asphalt binder for a given mix. The test provides relative rankings of similar types of asphalt mixes.

Lab Mixes: Varied results - NewRoad® increases strength but the counter-balancing effect of cracking rate does not always clearly appear, which results in a lower CT-Index for the mix.

Field Mixes: Consistent improvement - NewRoad® acts like additional binder when well-blended in the field, which improves the rate of cracking and results in a higher CT Index.
To date, NewRoad® mixes consistently out-perform standard mixes. In the pictures above, the NewRoad mix has been crack-free for 7 years, while the control road starting cracking after 3.5 years. Therefore, if NewRoad® is tested in a lab using the CT Index test, results may not show the full performance of NewRoad® in the field.
Rutting: The Hamburg Test

The Hamburg Wheel Tracking Test (HWTT) per AASHTO T 324 is widely used by asphalt researchers and pavement engineers to evaluate the rutting resistance and moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixtures. A loaded steel wheel tracks over the samples in a heated water bath, while the deformation is observed vs. the number of loading passes. The images below show 20,000 passes with differing amounts of NewRoad® additive.

The DOT mix ruts rapidly and fails with a rut depth 12.5 mm (1/2 inch) around 9,000 passes of a heavy wheel, resulting in major safety concerns such as hydroplaning, while the mix with NewRoad shows significantly less movement.

Adding 1 lb of NewRoad® per ton of mixture greatly reduces the rut depth, which improves the safety of the pavement, and increases the failure point to 13,000 passes (45% increase in pavement life).
Adding 2 lbs per ton of mixture creates a stable, durable mix that keeps water out of the pavement.inside of a div block.
Leaching: Microplastics

A concern of using plastics in pavement is the potential generation of microplastic particles from the degradation of the original plastic component into tiny particles due to exposure to environmental conditions such as ultraviolet light, weathering, and abrasion. The following results show that the NewRoad® additive does not increase the release of microplastics, but instead improves the internal mixture bonding to contain the microplastics within the asphalt mix.

Cracking: NCAT Performance Results

Established in 1986 as a partnership between Auburn University and the National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) Research and Education Foundation to provide practical research and development to meet the needs of maintaining America's highway infrastructure. NCAT's mission is to provide innovative, relevant and implementable research, technology development and education that advances safe, durable and sustainable asphalt pavements. In 2021, NewRoad® provided samples to NCAT to perform independent third-party performance research.

Fuel Resistance Testing

The fuel resistance testing was performed by following the procedure listed in the FAA P404 standard for fuel-resistant asphalt mixes. A 9.5 mm mixture with a 5.8% asphalt content was tested. The mixture was compacted using 50 Marshall blows to fabricate specimens with 5.0% air voids. The specimens were placed in kerosene for 24 hours to determine the amount of asphalt that was dissolved by the kerosene. The specimens were weighed before and after 24 hours of soaking in kerosene to determine the % Loss (Weight Loss / Total Initial Weight * 100).

The average % Loss was 3.9% for the 3 specimens tested. This means 67% of the asphalt was dissolved over 24 hours. In comparison, a typical airport asphalt has a % loss of 5.0% (as reported by Ron Corun for Associated Asphalt), which means 86% of the binder is dissolved over 24 hours, as seen in the picture of typical asphalt. The usage of NewRoad was a 22% improvement in the retained binder, which means more durability and longer strength because more of the glue of the asphalt mixture remains. The NewRoad® picture shows that the surface of the mixture retained most of the fine material, which means the driving surface remains smooth and keeps water and fuel out after an extreme exposure to a fuel spill.

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