NewRoad® Asphalt High Performance Additives

Use recycled plastic and re-engineers them through several processes to achieve the required performance.

6+ years of

Proven Technology

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Better performance

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Better for the environment

There are over 200 varieties of plastics and polymers in use today with more being invented every year. NewRoad® engineers, materials scientists and chemists formulated, measured, and tested asphalt and concrete additives over years of lab and actual field use.

Asphalt beads image.Asphalt image.6 years badge.
industrial and structural polymers

The Science

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Can recycled plastics be used in asphalt roads and concrete?

The answer is yes, very effectively - if you apply the correct engineering and science.

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Can any type of plastic be used?

NewRoad is able to be produced with almost every type of plastic, even contaminated. The only excpetion is PVC>

The asphalt paving process image.
Hamburg Test @ 10,000 Passes


Base Mix asphalt image.

Base Mix

1lb NewRoad asphalt image.

1lb NewRoad®

2lb NewRoad asphalt image.

2lb NewRoad®

3lb NewRoad asphalt image.

3lb NewRoad®


NewRoad® Asphalt

Cost Effective

1. Binder grade bumping lowers binder cost

2. Decrease asphalt content

3. Increase/Change RAP content

4. Lower cost, higher performance alternative to antistrip

5. Easy to implement in plant

Improved Performance

1. Decrease Hamburg rutting by up to 50%

2. Increase pavement life by up to 50%

3. Increase TSR wet strength by up to 65%

4. Thoroughly tested over 5 years in lab and field

5. Improves batch consistency & seasonal performance

6. No delay for curing: drive on it the same day with no tire marks

NVI Advanced Materials Group: Asphalt.

Ready to work together?

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